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AIWN Side Event at the CSW 58th Session

12 March 2014, 2:28 pm Written by  Eleanor Dictaan-Bang-oa
Published in Upcoming Events
Read 3628 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 March 2014 10:25

58th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

11-21 March 2014


Asian Indigenous Women's Network Side Event

Wednesday, 12 March 2014; 13:15 – 14:45

Conference Room, Floor 4, UNICEF


Development and Indigenous Women in Asia

While the international community continuous to debate on sustainable development, indigenous women the world over are and have been historically in the back burners of so-called development.  In a world where discrimination prevails, sustainable development for indigenous women will remain a rhetoric.

The side event will focus on the disproportionate impacts of consumerist/cash based development paradigm to indigenous women in Nepal and the Philippines. Particularly, it will look at the issues of trafficking among Tamang women in Nepal and the mining-related women’s rights violations in the Philippines. It hopes to generate further discussions, contribute and substantiate inputs to  ongoing processes related to women, development and indigenous peoples i.e.  the upcoming World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Cairo + 20, Beijing +20 and the SDG/Post 2015 Agenda among others.

Speakers are designated representatives from the following indigenous women’s organizations/networks in Asia:

Bipasha Chakma

Researcher, Kapaeeng Foundation, Bangladesh

Norma Capuyan

Spokeswoman, Bai (Indigenous Women’s Federation), Philippines

Chanda Thapa

Regional Indigenous Women Program Coordinator,

Asia Indigenous Peoples’ Pact (AIPP), Thailand

and in behalf of the National Federation of Indigenous Women

(NIWF) and the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities

(NEFIN), Nepal

Moderator: Eleanor Dictaan-Bang-oa, Secretariat, AIWN

This side-event is sponsored by the Asian Indigenous Women’s Network (AIWN) with support from Tebtebba and the United Nations Fund for Gender Equality (UNFGE) and FIMI.

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