Statement by the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IIFBES)

14 January 2015, 1:11 pm Written by  IIFBESS
Published in Latest News
Read 3028 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 13:22



Delivered on January 12 at the IPBES plenary in Bonn, Germany by Joji Carino and Preston Hardison.


  1. We welcome the highly informative progress report of the Task Force on ILK as contained in IPBES/3/ Information Document 2 and we look forward to consideration its deliverables and recommendations at IPBES4.


The International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IIFBES) composed of indigenous peoples and local community participants at IPBES wishes to make the following comments and recommendations:


  1. IPBES, would be very well served by instituting participatory mechanisms for the effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities. To be fit for purpose, the participatory mechanism must be inclusive of the range of knowledge and experiences contributed by indigenous peoples and local communities across the four IPBES functions. Direct participation of indigenous and local knowledge holders is important for thematic assessments, for example on pollination and pollinators associated with food production; or for methodological assessments, for example on the diverse conceptualization of values of biodiversity and nature’s benefits to people.


In addition, the experience and contributions of indigenous researchers, technical experts or leaders, who have engaged governments and scientific bodies to develop appropriate and relevant policies and plans of direct benefit for indigenous peoples and local communities, are equally important for a well-balanced and holistic participatory mechanism within IPBES.


  1. IPBES is not a platform for generating primary research, neither of science nor of indigenous and local knowledge. Rather IPBES needs to strengthen its capacity for the inclusion of Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) in its assessments and identification of knowledge gaps, in its capacity-building work, and in its policy support tools for decision-makers on biodiversity and ecosystem services.


  1. We call on IPBES to support and recognize local Centres of Expertise on Indigenous and Local Knowledge, which build on the many excellent initiatives undertaken and led by indigenous peoples and local communities in many parts of the world, to revitalize and use ILK to address multiple problems relating to biodiversity and sustainable development. Support for such Traditional Knowledge Centres and networks would help to build the institutional capacity of indigenous peoples and local communities, and can be a wellspring for identifying Indigenous and Local Knowledge experts who can contribute across the range of IPBES functions.


  1. The indigenous and local community participants at this meeting would welcome a meeting with members of the Task Force on ILK for exchange of views on its work and to offer our full support in moving forward.

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