Intervention from Women Major Group and the Indigenous Peoples Major Group Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals

6 April 2015, 10:35 am Written by  Women Major Group and Indigenous Peoples Major Group
Published in Latest News
Read 2541 times Last modified on Monday, 06 April 2015 10:42

Thank you, Your Excellencies!


My name is Martha Lekitony Ntoipo from Pastoralist Information and Development Organization which is a part of the Indigenous Information Network.


It is encouraging to see the ambitious goals set to come after the Millennium Development Goals, as women and Indigenous for that matter; there are a number of goals that touch our lives and improve our well being if there will be serious and inclusive/participatory approach in the implementation at all levels but most crucially the National Level.


It would therefore make greater sense to have the globally approved goals with its target and Indicators but take a step further to domesticate them and shape them according to the need of each Individual State.


These goals have general as well as specific definition and to specific groups like women and Indigenous people, we would like to reiterate that


  1. Targets are SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic and time bound to ensure smooth monitoring and evaluation of the goals set.

  2. There is a human-rights based approach towards achieving the goals as well as full participation of all stakeholders( youth, women and indigenous people) at all stages.

  3. Specific Targets which may have been overlooked and are attached to Cultural practices and are a threat to a certain section of the society are paid close attention to, for Example Target 5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriages as well as Female Genital Mutilation.


We call on you in your capacities to discuss and adopt a document that gives hope to everyone and priority to human rights with emphasis on those of women and girls, gender equality, social services such as health, infrastructure, education accessible to all especially those who live in the villages, environmental sustainability and empowerment of women and girls in all areas of decision making by enabling their full political participation.


Thank you very Much



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