17 February 2018, 10:49 am Written by  IIWF/FIMI
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This year IIWF/FIMI will award the Prize in honor of the vision and creativity of indigenous women's organizations fighting for ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE in their communities.

General characteristics of the call.

The prize is organized by the International Forum of Indigenous Women-FIMI, and is aimed at indigenous women's organizations in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

This award seeks to promote a process of recognition and visibility of the historical participation of indigenous women in the protection of Mother Earth and its diverse and profound connection of the territory. Also, strengthen and motivate good practices and collective experiences promoted by indigenous women's organizations as first carers of their environment, their natural resources and their livelihoods.

We know that the environmental violence experienced by indigenous peoples generates diverse dynamics and local individual and collective processes for environmental justice in indigenous communities, and we are aware that in these processes indigenous women play a fundamental role, contributing in the cultural, spiritual, political or social areas. Therefore, the nominations should have a collective work approach led by indigenous women.

Lines of action.

It is expected that environmental justice initiatives are framed in some of the following lines of action:

*Access to clean and safe water

*Demands and complaints about deforestation

*Conservation and recovery of ancestral spaces.

*Protection of knowledge related to traditional medicine.

*Protection of health from the impacts of extractive industries and megaprojects

*Strategies for adaptation to climate change.

About the objective of the call.

The objective is that indigenous organizations have systematized information on different initiatives to protect their lands, territories and resources, which will serve as a tool for the incidence and monitoring of compliance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, mainly the one referred to gender equality together with the objectives aimed at preserving and using in a sustainable way the terrestrial species and ecosystems of the planet, access to clean and safe water, as transversal axes for environmental justice.

Rules of the contest.

About the profile of the applicants to the prize.

Organizations, associations, networks or groups of indigenous women that are part of a community of indigenous or tribal peoples, who have obtained significant achievements, successful practices and alliances from the implementation of a community initiative related to the conservation and protection of their land, territory and / or resources in indigenous communities.

Initiative nominations of NGOs or state institutions will not be taken into account.

Characteristics of successful shared practice.

The actions of the successful practice must have been of a collective and community nature, and have benefited a group or a community.

Through successful practice, positive environmental changes in the community must have been achieved.

Participation, decision making and leadership of indigenous women in said practices or collective processes.

About the prize.

Three prizes of USD 10,000 (Ten thousand US dollars) will be awarded each, one for each region (LAC, Asia and Africa) assigned to the winning organization. The prize will be presented at an event organized by IIWF/FIMI during the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues of the UN, in New York.

Requirements for the nomination to the prize.

Applicants for the award must comply with the following procedures:

Fill and send form established by IIWF/FIMI for documentation of good practice.

Submit the minutes of the conformation of your directive

Attach photographs or other documentation that you consider relevant to support your application, may be: testimonies, life stories or links to newspaper and magazine articles that document the activities.

Two letters of recommendation from allied organizations of your process.

Nomination letter.

Selection of proposals

The evaluation of the nominations will be in charge of a selection committee made up of indigenous women of outstanding international trajectory in the field of human rights of the indigenous peoples and defense of the land, who will value the relevance of the presented practice.

Other important aspects

For the protection and safety of the people involved, please inform us of any restriction for the public management of information, especially the protection of the identity of the people, if they consider it necessary.

Send your nomination by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the deadline for submission: March 9, 2018 at 12:00 p.m.

Download the application document.

Fraternal greetings,


Teresa Zapeta

Directora Ejecutiva




Nadia Fenly Observatorio de Mujeres

Indígenas Contra la Violencia


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