Global Political Declaration of Indigenous Women

22 September 2021, 3:40 pm Written by 
Published in Latest News
Read 3745 times Last modified on Friday, 24 June 2022 09:33
“The Earth is our mother. From her we get our life, and our ability to live. It is our responsibility to care for our mother and in caring for our mother, we care for ourselves. Women, all females, are a manifestation of Mother Earth in human form.”

– Indigenous Women on the Beijing Declaration (1995)

We, more than 500 Indigenous Women, from the seven sociocultural regions of the world, including elders and youth, urban and rural dwellers, knowledge holders and healers, Indigenous Women with disabilities, leaders, activists and artists, members of the LGBTQ+ community, Indigenous Women in government and UN agencies, with observers from various support groups, met at the Second World Conference of Indigenous Women, with the theme, “Together for wellbeing and Mother Earth,” from August 12 to September, 2021.

The Conference aimed to further strengthen the global Indigenous Women’s movement and agree on a global agenda that would safeguard our well-being by advancing the recognition and realization of our collective and individual rights. The Second World Conference of Indigenous Women was organized with the active participation of regional networks of Indigenous Women who led broader consultations with their members and networks in preparation for their e­ffective engagement in the Conference.

You can read the full political declaration here

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