World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

22 September 2014, 10:59 am Written by  UNGA President John W. Ashe
Published in Upcoming Events
Read 3505 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 September 2014 16:21

President of the General Assembly 18 Aug. 2014 letter regarding organizational arrangements for the World Conference


Dear Representatives of Indigenous Peoples,


I refer to the High-Level Plenary meeting of the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly, to be known as the “World Conference on Indigenous Peoples” to be held on 22 September 2014 and the afternoon of 23 September 2014, the modalities of which are set out in resolution 66/296. In this context, I have the honour to bring to your attention some of the key organizational arrangements for the World Conference.




The World Conference will be held according to the following schedule:


22 September

9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Opening plenary meeting

3 p.m. – 6 p.m. Interactive round table 1, Interactive round table 2


23 September

3 p.m. – 5pm. Interactive roundtable 3, Interactive panel discussion

5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Closing plenary meeting


Opening plenary


The opening plenary meeting will feature statements by the President of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Heads of State or Government or high-level representatives of Member States from each regional group, the Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and three representatives of indigenous peoples.


The opening plenary will also include an opening ceremony involving indigenous peoples and the adoption of the World Conference outcome document.


Round tables and panel discussion


The themes for each of the round tables of the World Conference will be as follows:


18 August, 2014

Round table 1 “United Nations system action to implement the rights of indigenous peoples”.

Round table 2, “Implementation of the rights of indigenous peoples at the national and local level”,

Round table 3, “Indigenous peoples lands, territories and resources”.

Additionally, the theme for the panel discussion will be “Indigenous priorities for the post- 2015 sustainable development agenda”.


Closing plenary


The closing plenary meeting will comprise the presentation of summaries by the Chairs of the round tables and the panel discussion.


List of speakers


A list of speakers for the round tables and panel discussion is now open for inscription in room S-3082 (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; telephone: 212 963 5063; fax: 212 963 3783).


To allow for maximum participation within the limited time available, statements in the plenary meetings and the round table and panel discussions will be limited to 3 minutes when made in an individual capacity and 5 minutes when made on behalf of groups, on the understanding that that would not preclude the distribution of more extensive texts.

You are kindly requested to inscribe for only one of the round tables or the panel discussion.


Further information


Further information, including the room allocations for the World Conference, will be communicated shortly via an information note on the organization of the high-level meetings and general debate of the sixty-ninth session, to be circulated by the Department of the General Assembly and Conference Management. A final program will also be made available on the World Conference website closer to the time of the event:


Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.


John W. Ashe



For additional information, please visit

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