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Realizing Indigenous Women's Rights: A Handbook on the CEDAW

The indigenous women in Asia and in other regions of the world still lack the necessary knowledge and skills in asserting and making their rights a reality. To address this concern, Asian Indigenous Women’s Network and its partners Forest Peoples Programme and Tebtebba came up with a handbook on the International Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

Realizing Indigenous Women’s Rights: A Handbook on the CEDAW provides information on the rights of indigenous women giving details on CEDAW as the only specific instrument for women. The handbook also provides brief overview of other human rights mechanisms the indigenous women can avail of.

The book is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the particular situations of indigenous women in Asia, including the particularities of violence they are experiencing with the prevailing and existing conditions in indigenous communities and territories. Chapter 2 deals with the principles of human rights and the international human rights instruments providing for the rights of women. It focuses on the CEDAW as a specific instrument for protecting the rights of women. Chapter 3 presents the different mechanisms and possible options that indigenous women may take to seek redress for discrimination or violence. It provides specific information and tools that have been developed in aid of asserting human rights based on the mechanisms and procedures provided for under the CEDAW and other international human rights instruments. The final section, Chapter 4, provides a selection of previous jurisprudence from CEDAW that may assist in making arguments for future submissions to that body, or to national and other international legal instruments.

pdf Unheard and Unseen: Indigenous Women's Path to Empowerment and Sustainable Development Volume 1: South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal) Popular

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Unheard and Unseen: Indigenous Women's Path to Empowerment and Sustainable Development  Volume 1: South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal)

The three country studies in this volume reflect the disempowerment of indigenous women, resulting from intersecting factors over time and space in heterogenous societies in a part of South Asia. The complex barrier created by overlaying sheets of colonial oppression and discrimination, patriarchy and feudalism...has yet to be addressed substantially if we are to achieve the goals set in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the present Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


BANGLADESH: Transforming Realities: Political Participation of Rural Indigenous Women of Chittagong Hill Tracts 
by Women’s Resource Network, Bangladesh

NEPAL: Participation and Representation of Indigenous Women in Decision Making,
from Home to Policy
by the Center for Indigenous People’s Research and Development, National Indigenous Women’s Federation and National Indigenous Women Forum

INDIA: Many Faces of Indigenous Women in India (Narrative of Struggles and Victory)
Lead Researchers: Alma Grace Barla (Mainland India), Monjib Mochahari (Assam) and Dr. Khumtiya Debbarma (Tripura); Research Contributors: Khesheli Chishi (Manipur and Nagaland), Dr. Vasavi Kiro (Jharkhand), Mamta Kujur (Chhattisgarh)

pdf Unheard and Unseen: Indigenous Women's Path to Empowerment and Sustainable Development Volume 2: (South East Asia): Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam Popular

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Unheard and Unseen: Indigenous Women's Path to Empowerment and Sustainable Development  Volume 2: (South East Asia): Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

The stories that emerge reveal that in various indigenous communities, indigenous women are hurdling barriers in arenas beyond their traditional domestic domain. Although still marginalized and burdened by multiple work, indigenous women are proving that they can actively engage in their community’s economic and political development, rather than remain passive receivers of programs and policies.


PHILIPPINES: Ensuring Food Security
by Ruby Española and SILDAP (Silingang Dapit saSidlakang Mindanao) Southeastern Mindanao, Inc.

CAMBODIA: Protecting Land, Promoting Culture
by Loek Sreyneang and Cambodia Indigenous Peoples’ Organization

INDONESIA: Gender Injustice on Indonesia-Malaysia Border 
by Ansilla Twiseda Mecer, Krissusandi Gunui’, SilvinaWina, Tehersiana Duyung

THAILAND: Hurdling Barriers: Citizenship and Political Participation in Thailand
by Kanlaya Chularattakorn, Noraeri Thungmueangthong, Katima Leejan

VIETNAM: Fostering Climate Change Resilience and Sustainable Development 
by The Center of Research and Development in Upland Areas (CERDA)