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Unheard and Unseen - Indigenous Women's Path to Empowerment and Sustainable Development (VOL 2 - South East Asia)-web.pdf

Unheard and Unseen: Indigenous Women's Path to Empowerment and Sustainable Development  Volume 2: (South East Asia): Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

The stories that emerge reveal that in various indigenous communities, indigenous women are hurdling barriers in arenas beyond their traditional domestic domain. Although still marginalized and burdened by multiple work, indigenous women are proving that they can actively engage in their community’s economic and political development, rather than remain passive receivers of programs and policies.


PHILIPPINES: Ensuring Food Security
by Ruby Española and SILDAP (Silingang Dapit saSidlakang Mindanao) Southeastern Mindanao, Inc.

CAMBODIA: Protecting Land, Promoting Culture
by Loek Sreyneang and Cambodia Indigenous Peoples’ Organization

INDONESIA: Gender Injustice on Indonesia-Malaysia Border 
by Ansilla Twiseda Mecer, Krissusandi Gunui’, SilvinaWina, Tehersiana Duyung

THAILAND: Hurdling Barriers: Citizenship and Political Participation in Thailand
by Kanlaya Chularattakorn, Noraeri Thungmueangthong, Katima Leejan

VIETNAM: Fostering Climate Change Resilience and Sustainable Development 
by The Center of Research and Development in Upland Areas (CERDA)